FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.7.4 build 2024.06.10 • Bug Fixes Features added: • Upload Inspection FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.7.3 build 2023.10.03 • Bug Fixes FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.7.2 build 2023.04.11 • Bug Fixes FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.7.1 build 2023.02.07 • Bug Fixes FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.7.0 build 2022.10.28 Features updated: • Prediction Modeling Updates • DOM import/export process Updates • Condition Analysis Updates • Paver import process Updates • Mass Inventory Update Process • M&R calculations Updates • Addition of M&R Familys • Addition of M&R Reports • Addition of M&R Planned Projects • Addition of Auxiliary Tab with Climate/Traffic Data • Addition of Ability to Download Shapefiles • Multiple Bug Fixes FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.6.5 build 2022.10.06 Features added: • Improve Mapping FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.6.4 build 2022.8.24 Features added: • PCI Improvements - UDI Permission System FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.6.3 build 2022.6.30 Features added: • Admin Dashboard FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.6.2 build 2022.04.18 Features added: • Graphical Summary Reports FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.6.1 build 2022.01.20 Features updated: • Updates to the PCI calculations • Updates to DOM import/export • Additional data to the PCI tables FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.6.0 build 2021.06.15 Features updated: • Report Updates • Bug Fixes • Addition of the Portuguese language FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.5.1 build 2021.02.09 Features updated: • M&R Updates FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.5.0 build 2020.12.17 Features added: • DOM (Domain Object Model) to communicate with other FAA Software Features updated: • Improve Prediction Modeling Functionality FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.4.4 build 2020.09.25 Features updated: • M&R Updates • Language Updates • Bug Fixes FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.4.3 build 2020.07.31 Features updated: • M&R Updates FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.4.2 build 2020.01.31 Features updated: • Map Updates • Added Decrease with Time for User Defined Indexes • Updated Create and Delete Databases Pages in Data Management FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.4.1 build 2019.10.04 The following bug was fixed: • Incorrect quantity units for certain distress types when adding or editing a distress. FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.4 build 2019.09.16 Features updated: • Upgrade Maps library • Improve Shapefile link to PAVEAIR data • Improve Shapefile import from E60/E65/E70 files • Add support for projection files • Display map on background aerial photography • Add fields for airport code, city, state, latitude, and longitude • Represent Networks with markers on the map • Click on marker changes airport being viewed. • Add ability to display SCI, FOD, Surface, Age, and Family Assignment in GIS. • Display both PAVER and ASTM distress codes • Link work history and construction inspections The following bugs were fixed: • Error in SCI calculation corrected • Various translation issues • Corrected heading in PCI table • Gray out tabs user cannot access when viewing library family curves • Correct rounding in mobile inspection page • Corrected Deduct Value curves not displayed • Corrected units for Road AC Samples • Reports not rendering • Display true area in reports • GIS labels anchored to interior of shape • Removed “no distress” flag from samples containing distresses (common data input error). Changed default values to reduce occurrence of this issue. • Removed “construction inspection” flag from inspections containing samples (common data input error). Changed interface to prevent this issue. FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.32 build 2019.08.21 Features updated: • Represent Networks with markers on the map • Click on marker changes airport being viewed. FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.31 build 2019.07.17 Features updated: • Maps • Add ability to display SCI, FOD, Surface, Age, and Family Assignment in GIS. FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.3 build 2019.03.08 The following bug was fixed: • Addressed rounding in PCI display on Mobile Page FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.3 build 2019.01.15 Features added: • Shared Database • Mobile Page FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.2 build 2018.10.15 The following bugs were fixed: • PCI calculation improvements • Database Management Page (database sharing improvements) FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.1 build 2018.07.19 The following bugs were fixed: • Library curves can be viewed but not edited • Corrected issue in saving LCCA Alternatives • Prediction modeling X-Range filter issue corrected • Excluded points are shown on saved curve • Corrected alignment for display of User-Defined Indices on PCI tab FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.1 build 2018.04.16 The following bugs were fixed: • Update Inspection - Language FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.1 build 2018.03.16 The following bugs were fixed: • Close button ("X" in upper left hand corner) present but not visible in "Select Database" pop-up on home page • Metric units not displayed in Inventory section grid. • Select Database dialog not translated • Update Inspection stays in edit mode after "Update" button pressed after editing a distress • Address French-language reviewer comments • Untranslated tab-Tools • untranslated labels on Tools tab • In "Manage Database" under the member area tab, any click duplicates the public/private radial buttons. • In tools, the distress curves do not display for Airfield distresses • Work Update not changing sections when a different section is selected in the list selector box. • Missing spanish translation on home page: • Only FAA library curves should be owned by user 'fcibrary' • PCI Tab "Inspections" misspelled and does not appear to translate. • Condition Analysis showing incorrect age • Crash after Login on "Home_tab" • AirCost has an issue with the spreadsheet macro Analyze • Back button not translated on PCI page • Samples with no distress do not calculate a PCI FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.1 build 2018.03.05 Features added: • Improved PCI calculations • Comply with latest ASTM D5340 and D6433 • Intermediate calculation results stored at the distress and sample levels • Queries refactored to improve performance • Added support for user-defined indices • Internationalization support • Localization for French and Spanish Resolved Issues: • "Database" misspelled on home page "Select a Database" button • PCI less than 0 when following ASTM D5340 • Distresses without a severity are not calculating in PAVEAIR • Condition Analysis fails when using a curve that has not been saved • PCI button displaying improper units on PCI, SCI, and FOD tabs • Adding LCCA Pay Items and Costs • Deleting a distress in "Update Inspection" does not actually delete the distress • Critical PCI plan module not working • PCI Tab data arbitrarily changing • Potholes deducts in Metric units • Update inspection tab gives wrong units for samples created using previous versions of PAVEAIR • Saved family curves do not reflect "constrain downward" • Write script to get shapefile path out of old DB into single DB • Section-shapefile assignments not imported from PAVER export files • PA40 databases do not work in M&R • Rutting misspelled in Airfield AC distress list (database data error) • PCI calculating lower than 0 • PCI Calculation with Additional Sample Unit FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.0.3 build 2018.02.13 Resolved Issues: • Saved family curves do not reflect "constrain downward" • When pavement age is greater than the maximum age of a prediction model, force 3 point per year deterioration. • No data displayed the first time a database is used in a prediction model • Maps – Define Branch and Section when querying data from Shapefile data. • Default Page – delete “Roughness Profile Data” link FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.0.2 build 2017.11.08 Resolved Issues: • MR – Deduct Value fix • Home Page Corrections - Logos • Prediction Dropdown shows owner and fclibrary models • Import and Maps – SaltLake and Sussex • SCI Header and Model • Change Log, Version • Condition Table Clean Up and Datafix • Map Issue • Reinspection, Sample Number Column width • SQL Timeout Issue • Change to Web Config file, Timeout parameter added • Family Curve • Prediction – Fix for downward value to update FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.0.1 build 2017.10.11 Resolved Issues: • Data conversion updates • Guard against overflow error from incorrect data entry in PCI deduct value calculations • Updated HomePage information FAA PAVEAIR Version 3.0 build 2017.09.29 Major Feature Improvements: • Unified database structure • Added Roadway PCI calculations • PCI, SCI, FOD values stored in database • Prediction models saved in database • Added capability to construct SCI-vs-age and PCI-vs-age prediction models • Added capability to construction prediction models from multiple databases • Added ability to assign prediction model to a section • Improved queries for constructing prediction models • Prediction models exclude outliers • Prediction model plots 508 compliant • Condition analysis uses prediction models to estimate condition • Condition analysis can include all sections in branch or network in analysis • Family Curve library added • Added support to classify networks as hub/non-hub and by climate zone • M&R planning uses prediction models to estimate condition • Default M&R costs updated • Support for E50 and E70 data file format imports • Support for Shapefile import from E70 • Update to latest FAA Web Template Specific Changes (User Stories and Tasks): • Condition plot uses doubles instead of integers • Condition analysis age to reset with MajorM&R • Proper handling when section age exceeds maximum age of family curve • Added local FAA logo into PaveAir • Updates the condition analysis age to reset with MajorM&R • Database unification - Create new database table - PAVEAIR_UNIFIED - Write script to initiate an instance of a unified paveair database on a clean server - Update VB.NET code on the Create Database page - Update the "Inventory" tab to access data from unified database user tables - Update the SQL queries on the "PCI" button page for the unified database user tables. - Updating SQL queries on the Update Inspections VB.NET page to handle unified database user tables. - Create functionality to allow users to update/add/delete from the unified database - Update code and queries to allow user to access the "Maps" link - Update code and queries to allow users to access the "Reports" tab. - Add the Profile Data DB to allow access to the Roughness profile Data - Update queries and logic to allow users to access the prediction modeling. - Updates queries and code logic to allow users to use M&R sections with the unified database. - Update queries and code to allow the conditional analysis to use the unified database - Update queries and code to allow users to use the "work update" using the unified database. - Update the queries and programming logic to let users upload shapefiles. - Update code to allow user to use the "Map Assignment Tool" - Update SQL queries for Work tab to work with unified database user tables - Update VB.NET code to pull from users unified database. - Updated code and queries to allow users to access the "Tools tab." - Create cascading deletes for the unified database. (Transact SQL) - Remove PDMSPaverImport table from unified database - Move PDMSStatic and update select/insert/update/delete - Move PRED and update select/insert/update/delete - Move TRAFFICPRED and update select/insert/update/delete - UNDO: Move AirCost into PaveAirUnified. Update application code - Update the queries and programming logic to let users access the LCCA page using the unified database. • Write script to import tables from associated databases into the unified database and update code that references these tables. - Add PDMSStatic Tables to Unified DB - Add PRED to the unified database - Add MR database to the unified database • Check the help file to make sure changes to the unified database have not corrupted the help. • As a user I want the ability to import MicroPaver data into the unified database. - Update VB code to import micropaver data into unified db. - Update queries for adding micropaver data to the network, branch and network history tables. - Update queries for adding micropaver data to all other unified db tables. - Testing of code and queries for the micropaver data upload to the unified db. - Update the queries for deleting data. • Calculate roadway PCI - Alter functionality to handle roadway distresses 1-19 and 21-36 - As a user, I would like to see the roadway pcc distresses, so that I can input the correct distress values. - As a user, I would like to see the roadway asphalt distresses, so that I can input the correct distress values. • Alter the code so that PCI values are stored in the database and not recomputed on demand. - Identify database storage location • Save section/inspection PCI when sample area, sample unit type, distress amount, distress severity, and/or distress types data changes - Need to recalculate and save SCI when updated or changed - Need to recalculate and save FOD when PCI is calculated or updated. - Recalculate and save PCI to the database. - Sample PCI should be tracked by Sample ID not Sample Number - Hook up to existing framework - Create code to correctly retrieve PCI, SCI, or FOD • Prediction model improvements - top justify the select arrow so I don't have to scroll to find it. - Add interface to prediction modeling tool to allow selection of multiple databases - Alphabetize the list of families in on the prediction model page. - Add filters to family assignment tool - Add button to assign all sections used to build a family to that family - Do not import MicroPAVER family assignments - Eliminate either [FamilyID] or [UID_FAFAMUniqueID] from [PaveAirUnified].[FamilyAssignment] - Family assignment, only show sections not assigned to a family. - Do not automatically open first family - Alter outlier and excluded data behavior when model is constrained downward - Save my family curves • Enter prediction modeling filter data based on type, use, priority, airport classification, and climate - Add filter interface - Add filter queries - Add Climate and Airport Classification fields to database • Add ability to manually exclude points from a model on a per-inspection basis. • When model boundaries or outliers change, the model should be recalculated • As a user, I need to be able to see what families are assigned to what sections and vice versa. - Create functionality for viewing and assigning families to sections - Create functionality for viewing and assigning sections to families • As a user, any modelling actions I can perform with PCI, I would like to be able to do with SCI so that it can be used in other business processes - Update report display headers - Add analysis type PCI, SCI, FOD to the "prediction curve" table. - Hook up logic to dropdown menu for SCI and FOD - Modify functionality to pull pre-calculated values for SCI, FOD. • The ASTM distress code must appear as part of the display for roadway PCI • If a section does not have an assigned deterioration curve/family, I want it to use a default deterioration curve/family. - Define default family curve location/mechanism - Define default family curve values - Add functionality to retrieve and use default curve(s) if section is unassigned • Update the 2.5 template to the current FAA page template • Update default costs to 2017 • Create a libary of family curves for public use • Support multiple sections in condition analysis - Modify data structures/code to support condition analysis of multiple sections - Add routine to average condition analysis data by date across multiple sections - Coordinate condition analysis dates for multiple sections across the sections - Add button and functions to perform condition analysis of all sections in a branch - Add button and functions to perform condition analysis for all sections in a network • Use prediction models/family curves in M&R and Condition analysis - Identify correct family curve for a section in condition analysis - Condition Analysis-Retrieve family curve points from database - Identify correct family curve for a section in M&R analysis - Condition Analysis-Use family curve points and spline() to calculate deterioration since last known condition - integrate deterioration based on family curve into Condition Analysis calculations • As a user I would like to be able to import a network to the PaveAir database from the e70 file format - Import e70 pavement data and related DBFs (new columns) - Properly import assigned DBF's from e70 - Add correct fields to improperly formed shape files • Import a network from the e50 file format to the PaveAir database • Recalculate all PCI (and other distress condition values) on import from PAVER export files (e50/e60/e65/e70) • LCCA Report Results show calculated values for NPV & EUAC without context Resolved bugs and issues: • Deduct values in "PCI" do not display correctly for all linear distresses. • Incorrect Last Construction date showing in section condition report. • LCCA cannot delete Pay Item records in application • Spelling on Alternative 1 page • Spelling Correction on Scheduled Maintenance 2 Tab • Unable to start a database name with a number • Error when attempting to delete and Airport/Project from the LCCA menu • Typo • Typo • Download Populated/Calculated Worksheet • Salvage Value calculation • Adding Pay Items and Costs • Problems with input of values when defining Alternatives • PCI values for inspection do not match PCI tab • Network selector sometimes has text boxes empty • Unable to compare PCI values because reports were not viewable • Branch list report did not display correctly • Maps - sections don't load - tab won't open in version 2.5 • Maps - app crashes when section selected - Map tab won't open in Version 2.5 • Maps - app crashes when section is selected - map can't be selected nor can display be observed • Unable to upload shapefiles • Unable to create a Prediction Model for the JFK database. • Roughness data upload file size • Imported database with blank network name hard crash • Roughness Profile shows the Home area database, not the Member Area database. • Condition Analysis uses most recent major M&R as the original construction date. • Condition analysis will not predict condition if start year is after last inspection. • Shapefiles not imported with database from E6x file • Prediction Model using initial construction date instead of the last Major M&R construction date. • Prediction Modeling not recognizing Major M&R for sections created in PAVEAIR • Unable to assign shapefile • Cannot view imported E60 shapefiles in Maps tab • Shapefile path not added to Network table • Adding Major M&R to work history did not create a construction inspection • Prediction model filters on collect model data tab not functioning to deselect after filtered. • Update PAVEAIR Unified column PaveAir.Sampls.SampleNR to (nvarchar(max)) instead of (nvarchar(5)) • Input parsing for inspection date not user friendly FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.5.0 build 2013.09.20 • Support uploading profile data. • Removed link to FAA PAVEAIR Forum FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.4.0 build 2013.05.02 • Updated English text. FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.3.3 build 2013.03.12 • Changed PCI Raiting Table text to match the example shown in ASTM FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.3.2 build 2013.02.04 • M&R dollars should be formatted as currency • M&R Round dollars. FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.3.1 build 2013.01.25 • Improved MicroPAVER compatibility FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.3.0 build 2012.12.10 • Distress Guide added to Help. • Shapefile assignment tool now allows for a section to be assgined to multiple polygons. FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.2.0 build 2012.11.26 • Corrected an crash issue in the Branch Condition Report, when the avg PCI was zero. • MicroPAVER e50 Support. FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.1.0 build 2012.09.06 • Corrected an issue in the Critical PCI mode on the M&R module where the Determine Budget Requirements plan mode option did not always display the proper options. • Updated the "Sample" database and added a sample shapefile • Corrected an issue with the mapping module that caused an DrawShapes error • Corrected an issue with the mapping module that caused an issue if a section was assigned to multiple polygons in a shapefile • Added user feedback for when the M&R Critical PCI - Determine Budget Requirements plan mode cannot find a solution. FAA PAVEAIR Version 2.0.00 build 2012.06.01 • First release of version 2.0. This version includes several important new features including: an updated M&R module, Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) module, and MicroPAVER e65 support. • Corrected an issue where Prediction Modeling would crash if all databases were deleted. • Corrected an issue where in some instances you could not delete a pavement "Network". • Added additional error checking and validation. • Updated Help. FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.8.00 build 2012.05.18 • Corrected several minor issues. FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.7.20 build 2012.05.11 • PCI, Perdition Modeling(Review data model), Condition Analysis - Changed the look & feel of gridview. • Added mssg. when database is blank. FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.7.10 build 2012.04.16 • LCCA - Added LCCA alternatives to database. FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.7.00 build 2012.03.28 • New! - M&R Module redesgined. FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.6.00 build 2012.03.27 • New! - LCCA Module (Life Cycle Cost Analysis integration with AirCost Excel application) FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.5.00 build 2012.03.06 • Update Inspections: - Redesigned interface; form to more closely matches the ASTM form. - All samples for a given inspection are now shown in a table. - All distresses in a given sample are now shown in a table. - Distresses can be rapidly entered using the keyboard. - New inspections default to "Distress Inspection; removed "Other Condition Inspection". • Update Inventory: - Redesigned interface; - All branches in a given network are displayed in a table. - All sections in a given branch are displayed in a table. - Branch and Section details are now editable in a form. - Additional validation rules and read-only "calculated" fields. - Added logic to create an "Initial Construction" work item and "New Construction" inspection when a new section is added. • Update Work: - Redesigned interface; - All work items for a given section are now displayed in a table. - Work details are now editable in a form. - Added logic to create a "New Construction" inspection when an "Initial Construction" work type is added to a section. FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.4.02 build 2011.12.02 • Prediction Modeling: limited coefficients to 4. FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.4.01 build 2011.10.21 • Corrected issues in the Update Inventory module FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.4.01 build 2011.10.19 • Able to upload .e60 databases with date range from year 0 to 9999 FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.4.00 build 2011.10.18 • Modified Edit Inspections Page • Redesigned Edit M&R Tables Page - Localized MR - Metric/English Unit switch • Redesigned Edit M&R Tables Page - Global MR - Metric/English Unit switch FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.3.12 build 2011.09.23 • Updates to Inventory page, additional validation FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.3.12 build 2011.08.10 • Modified News Page • Added Event Registration Page • Modified Preferences to show tabular data. • Modified Inventory page to display rank description FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.3.11 build 2011.07.21 • Added "Please Wait" message to M&R Planning • Added PCI vs. Age chart to the Conditional Analysis page • Added Map Assignment Tool to the Member Area • Added a News page FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.3.10 build 2011.06.28 • Corrected an issue where private databases were not available in Prediction Modeling • User Interface enhancements FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.3.00 build 2011.06.27 • Distress numbering updated to follow ASTM standard FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.2.00 build 2011.06.17 • Improved MicroPAVER e60 import function • Added validation controls to the M&R Planning module • Bug fixes on the M&R Planning module FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.1.06 build 2011.04.21 • Update PCI information to new ASTM standard FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.1.05 build 2011.04.06 • Added separate page to list public databases FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.1.04 build 2011.03.09 • Added custom error pages FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.1.03 build 2011.03.07 • Minor spelling fixes FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.1.02 build 2011.02.28 • Replaced missing link to condition survey forms on Update Inspection module FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.1.01 build 2011.02.22 • Updated Zip routines to remove J# dependency FAA PAVEAIR Version 1.1.00 build 2011.02.11 • Official Release • Minor fixes to the Tools module FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.15 build 2011.02.10 • Update Inspections - slab unit only available for ridged pavement types FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.14 build 2011.02.09 • Update Distress Deduct Curves page FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.13 build 2011.02.08 • Add Distress Deduct Curves under Tools • Add support for multiple databases • Add support for assigning permissions to databases FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.12 build 2011.02.01 • Moved upload shapefiles module to the DataManagement folder • Updated Help system. FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.11 build 2011.01.28 • Fix to allow shapefiles to be imported along with MicroPAVER e60 files FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.10 build 2010.12.07 • Allow for upload of shapefiles without idx file. • Corrected an issue where a newly created database does not populate the PCIRatings table FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.9 build 2010.11.30 • Corrected several issues in the Update Inspection module. • Added support for number of coefficients [NumOfCoef][int][NULL] (PDMSStatic.UserFamilyOption) FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.8 build 2010.11.17 • When updating an Inspections, the unit type dropdown did not default to current unit format FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.7 build 2010.11.08 • Bug fixes in the Update Inspections module. • Update to the Condition Analysis module to handle instances where there is not enough data to process FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.6 build 2010.11.05 • Update the Condition Analysis module to handle databases with no data FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.5 build 2010.11.04 • Corrected and issue where adding an inspection to a newly created blank database caused an error • Updates to the Work and Work Update modules. FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.4 build 2010.11.03 • Changes to the "Update Inventory" module - disable/enable delete/edit buttons based on data availability, for both branch and section grid - disable/enable slabs/slab length/slab width/joint length based on asphalt/concrete - Unit conversion in branch/area FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.3 build 2010.11.02 • Corrected issues with inconsistent font sizes on several modules • Corrected issue with the breadcrumb trail not displaying on some pages • Update the PCI module to handle databases with no inspection data FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.2 build 2010.10.29 • Corrected an issue in the "Work Update" module where the table would render off the screen to the right • Corrected HTML validation issues in several pages FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.1 build 2010.10.29 • Corrected an issue where the continue button at the end of the user registration wizard has no function. It now forwards you to the member area • Created an “About Page” which contains the current version and build number of the FAA PAVEAIR application • Corrected a security issue where any registered user could update inspections of any public database • Corrected a security issue where any registered user could upload a shapefile to any public database • Corrected an issue where uploading a shapefile to an empty database causes a crash FAA PAVEAIR RC 1.0.0 build 2010.10.08 Initial build