Dense Mix

As used herein, coarse aggregate refers to predominant coarse aggregate sizes of the asphalt mix. Aggregate clusters refer to when more than one adjoining coarse aggregate piece is missing. If in doubt about a severity level, three representative areas of one square yard each (one square meter) should be examined and the number of missing coarse aggregate particles counted.

L - (1) In a square yard (square meter) representative area, the number of coarse aggregate particles missing is between 5 and 20, and/or (2) missing aggregate clusters are less than 2 percent of the examined square yard (square meter) area. In low severity raveling, there is little or no FOD potential.

M - (1) In a square yard (square meter) representative area, the number of coarse aggregate particles missing is between 21 and 40, and/or (2) missing aggregate clusters are between 2 and 10 percent of the examined square yard (square meter) area. In medium severity raveling, there is some FOD potential.

H - (1) In a square yard (square meter) representative area, the number of coarse aggregate particles missing is over 40, and/or (2) missing aggregate clusters are more than 10 percent of the examined square yard (square meter) area. In high severity raveling, there is significant FOD potential.