The Plan Mode tab defines how the M&R plan should work within a given budget and which work priority polices should be applied.
Users can create custom policies by clicking on any of the “Edit” buttons. |
•The “Determine Budget Requirement” plan mode defines the consequences (PCI) of pavements if constrained to a given budget. “Major M&R Priority”, “Branch Use Priority”, and “Section Rank Priority” will determine pavement M&R priorities to receive Major M&R.
• The “Determine Budget Consequence” plan mode defines the budget required to maintain pavement condition at a specified level:
• Backlog Elimination is used to eliminate backlog within a given period of time. Meaning that at the end of the number of years entered on the Timing tab, no pavements will require Major M&R.
• Condition Stabilization: The “Maintain the Current Area Weighted PCI” option maintains the average condition of the selected pavements at the current level by assigning Major M&R to only some of the selected pavements. Some Major M&R requirements may remain at the end of the planning period. The “Reach Preferred Weighted PCI” option uses the same mechanism to increase or decrease the average condition of selected pavements to the user-specified condition.
• Condition Tolerance is the accepted range for the target condition value. For example, if Preferred PCI is 70, and Condition Tolerance is ±1, then PCI values of 69, 70, and 71 after M&R are all acceptable.
• Maximum Number of Iterations to Attempt Goal is the maximum number of iterations used to perform Critical PCI calculations. The M&R calculation stops when the maximum iteration is met and the goal still cannot be reached.